A Sex Workers take on International Whores Day
Grammy’s Place acknowledges International Whores Day because the founder (Tamika Spellman) has a 4 decade history as a drug using Sex Worker, and Grammy’s Place opens its door to Sex Workers, offering them a safe home away from the harsh realities of the world.
Sex Work has been around since the inception of time, and we play a vital role in society as more than just a fulfiller of sexual fantasies or desires. We are mothers, daughters, care givers, teachers, cooks, medics, phycologists, managers, chauffeurs, referees and so much more to those we matter to. We are productive members of our communities and a lot of people depend on us for their well being. Most of all, we are your neighbors, human beings deserving the same respect and dignity as anyone else.
As a reminder to those who know us, we are often overloaded and overburdened with maintaining stability because federal laws still interfere with our livelihood and police are using more tactics to jail us for survival Sex Work too often. Housing and financial instability are still very real to many of us. Struggling to pay rent and being in less than ideal rental situations like motels and hotels often costs us way more than renting an apartment. The cost of living for us is often way higher because of the fluctuations in room prices, and the fact we are often bound to eating fast food and less than healthy meals. Then add in the discussions about instituting the Nordic model of Sex Work decriminalization when Sex Workers asked specifically for full decriminalization of Sex Work is disturbing to us all. We want stigma to end, and that approach isn’t it. We put forth detailed arguments that free consenting adults to do adult things without legal consequences. Criminalizing half of a transactional relationship is not helpful, or reduces harm. Reducing harm all the way around would be to simply decriminalize Sex Work for adults over 18, including buyers and sellers. Until this happens we will never realize normalcy or have any semblance of stability.
There are some things you can do in the interim, like donating to Sex Worker supportive agencies that provide services specific to street based Sex Workers. Support the full decriminalization of Sex Work locally and nationally by asking your congressional member to support the ‘People’s Justice Guarantee’ introduced by Ayanna Pressley, and ‘The Safer Sex Worker Study Act’ introduced by Ro Khanna. Or you can donate to Sex Workers directly as many organizations do not offer direct cash or housing assistance in crisis situations.
Other things you can do is support fundraisers and other campaigns led by sex workers and organizers. You can volunteer your time at any number of Sex Workers friendly organizations to support us. You can also hire us in living wage jobs that help to lift us out of poverty. You can also rent to us at a fair rate. But most of all, you can believe in us, and love us like we are your own family, because sometimes we are.